St. Andrew's Theological College

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.Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.

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Course Listing

Ministerial Ethics
Ministerial Ethics Course Overview: This course deals with a Minister’s relationship with people with whom they must relate to and work with, and appropriate attitudes in given situations. Students will learn the unique moral role of ministers and the ethical responsibilities clergy should assume in their personal and professional lives.


Ecological Justice 3
Ecological JusticeCourse Overview: This course examines the nature of ecological justice as including social justice and requires putting the economy in its place as a subsystem within society and the wider natural world within the context of other factors and how such factors are intertwined with relations of power in a prevailing climate of control and domination.


Preaching the Psalms Website
This course will explore the rich nature of the Hebrew poetry in the book of the Bible known as “Psalms” and will introduce students to homiletical techniques to apply the Psalms to the contemporary Church and world.


Use of English Communication Skills
This course introduces students to the use of English within the nature, role and potential of human communication. This course will explore the use of verbal and non-verbal language in the communication process, the range of communication strategies as well as communication barriers in verbal and non-verbal communication whether in-person, virtually or via social media.


Women in the Bible
This course gives insight into the stories of women in the Bible. It goes into depth at some of the female characters from the Old and New Testaments and how their stories can better inform understandings of contemporary life and explore how these stories relate to your own faith journey.


Systematic Theology II
Systematic Theology II is the careful analysis of the philosophical implications and the doctrinal content of faith as expressed in the doctrines, and theological writings of the Christian tradition. Confessional diversity is acknowledged and explored and constructive dialogue and mutual understanding are intended to foster appreciation of the faith of others as well as one's ... Read more


Specialized Ministry
Specialized Ministry This course will examine the call to ministry, ministry as vocation and explore issues that are important in carrying out the “call” effectively and efficiently through and within the various “Orders” and “Ministries” of the Church. This course places emphasis on the practice and performance of ministry.  It assists students in developing a ... Read more


Reformed Theology
This course is especially designed for those preparing for ministry. This course will provide the student with a comprehensive view of the evolution of Reformed Theology. The course will entail some history, theology, doctrine, and pastoral issues. The class will involve both teaching, discussion and student presentations. Students will apply what is learned to their ... Read more


Reformed Spirituality
This course provides an introduction to the spiritual life of the individual and spirituality of the church as experienced in the Reformed Tradition. It examines the Biblical foundations, history, and theology of Reformed Spirituality.  The course will expose students to a variety of personal and communal spiritual experiences.


Reformed Sacraments
This course is designed to prepare students who are preparing for the Ordained Ministry. Students will explore the theology and administration of the sacraments from a Reformed perspective within the context of the worship experience.


Church Leadership and Management
The Church Leadership and Management course equips students for ministry in a world where the only constant is change. The capacity and knowledge base of students in leadership, management and administration will be created and enhanced and they will gain tools to continue unlocking the multiverse of wisdom throughout the course of their lives and ministries.


Pastoral Counselling II
This course is a continuation of Pastoral Counselling I, which gave the theoretical bases for biblically based counselling. In addition to basic reviews of the theories this course takes a very practical line, as it is primarily a simulated practicum. With counselling and leadership needs of church and community rising, this course is designed to ... Read more


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Your gift and generosity to SATC will greatly supports the college’s strategic priorities and contribute to its mission, to inspire and fulfil the call to spiritual enlightenment, empowerment, engagement and edification through ecumenical, inclusive, theological education!

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St. Andrew’s Theological College (SATC) seeks to provide sound theological education with a view of

equipping and training persons in an ecumenical setting for various forms of Christian Ministry locally,

regionally and internationally. 


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St. Andrew's

Theological College

Monday - Friday

08:00 - 16:00

P. O. Box 92 Paradise Hill,

San Fernando



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