St. Andrew's Theological College

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.Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.

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Course Listing

Conflict Mgt Ministry Seminar
Name: Conflict Management & Ministry SeminarDate: May 27th 2023Duration: 9am - noonCost: $100Registration link:


Worship Leadership Training Jan 2023
This course will explore the theological underpinnings of the community gathered for worship, study the elements of regular and special services and provide practical guidance for developing meaningful worship experiences.


Individual Social Ethics
This course explores the moral principles that govern the behaviour of individuals and groups, and seeks to identify and analyse the moral nature of the relations between individuals and social groups. This course provides an introduction to Christian ethical modes of reflection and their intersection with contemporary issues that impact our co-inhabitants of creation.


Introduction to THE Bible
Introduction to the bibleThis is a basic course which sets the Bible in a proper historical and social perspective. Each section of the course contributes basic information about the New and Old Testament as well as the overall goal of learning how to interpret and understand the Bible historically and theologically. The course will examine how and why the Bible is held to be “sacred” by numerous faith traditions.


Gender Justice A Theological Approach to GBV
Gender Justice: A Theological Approach to Gender-Based ViolenceThis course examines the contingent nature of gender as an identity factor within the context of other factors, such as gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and social class, and how such factors are intertwined with relations of power in a prevailing climate of violence. It emphasizes the consequences of the distribution of inequality, and the ways in which individuals exert agency and challenge systems of inequality, and examines how justice may be sought and achieved


Luke and Acts
Luke & Acts This course critically examines the Gospel of Luke and the book of the Acts of the Apostles, as a continuum.


Ministry to Those with Special Needs
Ministry To Those With Special Needs This course equips students for ministry in contexts where there are persons with special needs whether those needs are emotional, mental, or physical differences from the norm.


Missiology This course offers an introductory overview of various mission models, starting with early Christianity.


Church History Ecumenism Faith
Church History, Ecumenism & Faith: Profiles & Perspectives Students will explore the foundational elements of Christian Churches and their ministry within Trinidad & Tobago.


Registration Fee
Students are required to pay a Registration Fee of $500.00 per semester. This fee covers administrative costs and online learning resources.


Johns Gospel and Letters
John's Gospel & Letters Course Overview: This course introduces students to the messages in the Johannine Gospel and Letters for ancient Christians, and their relevance in contemporary contexts.


Practical Theology
Practical TheologyCourse Overview: Practical Theology is the application of textbook theology to the situations we encounter in pastoral ministry as well as the social context in which that ministry exists. It is the interplay between theology and practice


Support the College

Your gift and generosity to SATC will greatly supports the college’s strategic priorities and contribute to its mission, to inspire and fulfil the call to spiritual enlightenment, empowerment, engagement and edification through ecumenical, inclusive, theological education!

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St. Andrew’s Theological College (SATC) seeks to provide sound theological education with a view of

equipping and training persons in an ecumenical setting for various forms of Christian Ministry locally,

regionally and internationally. 


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St. Andrew's

Theological College

Monday - Friday

08:00 - 16:00

P. O. Box 92 Paradise Hill,

San Fernando



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