St. Andrew's Theological College

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.Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.

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Course Listing

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the Pauline Epistles, the collection of letters written by the Apostle Paul that form a significant portion of the New Testament. Students will study the historical context, theological themes, and literary structure of these epistles.


This introductory course is intended for persons without any background knowledge in Christian Theology. It hopes to emphasize the importance of biblical, historical, philosophical and moral insights for understanding theology.


This is a final year course for students preparing for full time ministry. As the congregation is at the heart of ministry, students need to examine the dynamics that exist in congregations. Students will examine the theology of congregational life in relation to their own experience and discuss issues affecting congregations in the light of ... Read more


This course involves a critical analysis of the Gospel of Matthew, as an ancient style of biography and as “euangelion” (Gospel/ Good News) and its contextual purpose and design.


The course will seek to philosophically examine key religious concepts through the lens of the religious traditions themselves. It will also seek to engage, philosophically, religious ideas in general as well as the philosophical questions raised by modernity. Of fundamental concern is the relating of this to our local (Trinidad and Tobago) and regional (Caribbean ... Read more


Music for Church LeadersWould you like to learn how to lead in music and singing in your church? This course explores the foundational elements of techniques, strategies and practices that characterize your church music in your cultures and contexts.


Course Name: History and Constitution of the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad & Tobago


Teaching the Bible to AdultsDo you want to begin or improve how you lead Bible Studies? This course will guide you in strengthening the ways that you can teach the Bible!


The Dead Sea ScrollsEver since the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, they have been the subject of mystery and speculation. You will explore the contents, context and contemporary relevance of the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Witnessing in the Wilderness: Preaching ExodusHow do you preach from the book of Exodus? This course introduces you to the techniques and topics as you join your journey to the Exodus experience so that you witness in the wilderness!


Towards the Thriving Church: Exploring Ecclesiastical EnhancementEver wondered how to improve your church? This course introduces you to ways to analyze what is needed and how to introduce ideas and methods to improve various aspects of your church life and experience. 


The Certificate in Eldership prepares individuals for their role as Elders (of The PCTT) to engage members in the mission of the church and to provide opportunities for evangelism, pastoral care, worship, education and stewardship.


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St. Andrew’s Theological College (SATC) seeks to provide sound theological education with a view of

equipping and training persons in an ecumenical setting for various forms of Christian Ministry locally,

regionally and internationally. 


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St. Andrew's

Theological College

Monday - Friday

08:00 - 16:00

P. O. Box 92 Paradise Hill,

San Fernando



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