St. Andrew's Theological College

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.Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.

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Bringing People to Jesus since 1892!

Register today and join our enthusiastic college community, committed to a dynamic journey of lifelong academic and spiritual formation.

Core Theological Education

We commit ourselves to providing effective theological education and Christian ministry training for people to become competent congregational leaders and leaders in the community.

Grow in Faith & Integrity

We create a New Testament spirit of koinonia (Christian fellowship) for all who participate in the teaching and learning activities at SATC.

ACTT Registered

We are registered with the Accreditation Council of Trinidad an Tobago!

Christian Unity

We promote theological edification in an ecumenical and inclusive setting. All are welcome!

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We help our students:

  • Develop a better understanding of the Christian faith.

  • Develop quality leadership marked by integrity and competence.

  • Develop the values, attitudes and characteristics in keeping the Church’s doctrinal position.

  • Develop thorough theological, biblical and doctrinal knowledge of the scriptures.


Gain valuable

Knowledge through

Higher Education

Our College Community

SATC is a welcoming and enthusiastic family of Christ, working together to bring people to Jesus through spiritual enlightenment and theological education.

Theological Education. Made For You!

You will discover that our course design and

delivery will meet your needs through our blended approach to the teaching and learning process.

Flexible Programmes

Not sure which programme is right for you? Our flexible programme structure allows you to register for individual courses or complete programmes as full-time or part-time students.

You Apply

We offer a variety of courses aimed at catering to a broad spectrum of interests in the Christian faith.

We Connect

Our Student Support Services are available to you at every step of your journey

“Adduxit eum ad Jesum”

And he brought him to Jesus.

SATC is The Oldest

Theological & Tertiary Institute in Trinidad and


The name “St. Andrew’s” was inspired by Andrew, the disciple of Jesus, who brought his brother, Peter, as well as the boy who had the loaves and fishes, and also some Greeks to Jesus (John 1:41-42; 6:5-9; 12:20-22). When we realise that Andrew brought a family member, a child and foreign seekers to Jesus, we accept our own calling and ministry; this is the guiding philosophy of St. Andrew’s Theological College.


Let's Get You Started


Select Your Course

Browse the courses offered by SATC in the current Academic Year


Get Registered

Fill out the course registration form and complete the online payment process


Grow Your Knowledge

We provide a range of student support services to help students achieve their highest potential.


Student Support Services

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A Guidance Counsellor is always available for in-person or electronic counselling sessions to help you through life’s difficult moments

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Online Library

Students have access to online library resources through EBSCOhost, one of the world’s largest online scholarly library resources

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Academic Advisors

Our academic advisors help students navigate all options that are available, and work with you to make informed decisions through a supportive working relationship

Rev. Keron


Our Principal

You are a vital part of the vibrant family that is St Andrew’s Theological College (SATC). By the sovereign grace of God, you were called and chosen to read this and to continue your voyage to explore who you are, and who you are meant to be and to become. There is a place for you to travel with Jesus in the dynamic journey of lifelong academic and spiritual formation.

Find your place in the plan of God. Elevate your pace in your movement with the Spirit of the Living Lord. In that adventure, you will learn new things and become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). You will redefine your frontiers, reimagine your potential, and soar far beyond what you expected of yourself.

Joining SATC will make you a member of the oldest tertiary institution and oldest theological college in Trinidad and Tobago. SATC is committed to Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and yet makes everything new (Revelation 21:5).

The motto of SATC is about bringing people to Jesus, and Jesus to people. The motto could have been an individual reflection on the effects of the presence of the risen Christ: “I hear, I see, I learn” but then in Latin it may have been ”Audio, Video, Disco” which may appear to lack the gravitas of a College motto!

Join us to laugh, learn and live in the light of the love of the Lord.


What Our Students Say


Contact Us For Information About Student Admissions

The Mission of SATC is to inspire and fulfil the call to spiritual enlightenment, empowerment, engagement and edification through ecumenical, inclusive, theological education.


Get In Touch and Get More Information

St. Andrew's

Theological College

Monday - Friday

08:00 - 16:00

P. O. Box 92 Paradise Hill,

San Fernando



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